Sunday, October 20, 2019

SAP Blogs - SAP All in One

SAP All in One is an industry-explicit arrangement exclusively cook for retail needs.
Like the assembling framework, retail comprises of SD, MM FICO modules basically. To deal
with retail functionalities, we have a retail specialist too.
There is a general wording distinction among retail and assembling framework yet, be that as
it may, the center usefulness is the equivalent.
SAP All in One Retail
Material Article
Plant Site
Assembling plants or depo are treated as plants in the SAP All in One framework. In Retail,
Stores and circulation focuses are treated as Sites. The site creation is a piece of ace information
in Retail yet though Plant is design movement in SAP All in One.
Material Group Merchandise Category
In SAP All in One Material gathering is basically utilized for revealing and evaluating. This is
discretionary usefulness in SAP All in One framework yet in Retail, all articles will be kept up
at stock class level so it's obligatory to utilize the product classification in the retail framework.
In Retail ace information assume a key job because of that there will be discrete ace information
specialist accessible for bigger organizations.
The following is the key Master information objects
Article Master information
Site Master information
Client Master information
Merchant Master Data

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